Re: Why is ReGet breaking things?

From: Sergey Kubushin (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 02:27:33 EST

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

> > This does kill ANY machine. Tested here with AIX and Solaris. System is
> > going out of memory, FDs etc. LA skyrockets to absolutely crazy figures (the
> > last I did see was 498) and system dies. You're lucky if you're able to
> > "killall in.ftpd", 'coz usually any attempt to run any program results in
> > "Unable to load interpreter"...
> >
> > It's not that kernel dies, the system is simply goes outta resources...
> You dont have a user limit set on your ftpd ??

I do. But even 20 ReGet's can effectively kill any machine. Every one of
them can eat 100% of CPU which it's happened to be running on. So there is
enough 3-4 such threads running from the same place to get LA around 4 on a
regular ftp server machine.

Sergey Kubushin aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.

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