Re: Help offered/tasks wanted - mentor needed

From: Karen Shaeffer (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 06:18:26 EST

On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 11:49:11PM -0600, Jeff Dike wrote:
> > would please point me in the direction of areas needing help, and
> > would be kind enough to give me an introduction to that area of the
> > kernel then I'd be greatfull.
> Well, I've got the world's simplest kernel port (the user-mode port - see
> So, if the lower levels of the
> kernel interest you, that's all pretty simple process-level code. Fiddling
> with that ought to be a relatively gentle introduction to the complexity that
> lies above it.
> Jeff
---end quoted text---

my $0.02

Break it into manageable blocks and understand them before moving into
other areas. I would suggest starting with main.c (That's what I am doing.)
To facilitate reading this, I preprocess it and then filter it with this perl
script which is pasted below. This makes it a whole lot easier to read. Of
course, you can run menuconfig to set up <linux/autoconf.h> which defines all
the preprocessor constants in main.c. This may seem weird, but it's how I am
approaching the same problems...

This is released under public domain... It's a quick hack. You may need to
modify it. One potential drawback is gcc removes the c comments prior
to preprosessing. Some might not like that, but I would rather read the
plain bare source... Hope it helps you.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This file removes the excess empty lines and some other junk from a
# preprocessed c source file. It does not remove the c comments. The
# compiler actually does that magic prior to running the preprocessor.

my $operandfile;
my $basefilename;
my $linetest;
my $linebuf;

die "\n\nYou must enter the file name as the only command line argument!\n\n"
   if ($#ARGV != 0);

$operandfile = shift @ARGV;
die "\n\n$operandfile is not a valid file name.\n\n"
  unless ( -f $operandfile && -r $operandfile && -w $operandfile );

open(INPUT, $operandfile) || die "Can\'t open $operandfile : $!\n";

# see man perlop->/STRING
chomp ($basefilename=qx<basename $operandfile>);
open(TEMPFILE, ">/tmp/$basefilename.buffer")
   || die "Can\'t open for write /tmp/$basefilename.buffer : $!\n";
select TEMPFILE;

while (<INPUT>) {
  $linebuf = $_;
  s/^[ \t\a\f\r\e]+//;
  if (/^\n/ && $linetest == 0) {
    print "$linebuf";
  elsif (! /^[\n#]/ ) {
    $linetest = 0;
    print "$linebuf";

close (INPUT);
close (TEMPFILE);
open (INPUT, ">$operandfile")
   || die "Can't open for write $operandfile : $!\n";
   open (TEMPFILE, "/tmp/$operandfile.buffer")
      || die "Can\'t open /tmp/$operandfile.buffer : $!\n";
select INPUT;
while (<TEMPFILE>) {
print INPUT;
close (INPUT);
close (TEMPFILE);

# see man perlop->/STRING
qx<rm -f /tmp/$operandfile.buffer>;

  Karen Shaeffer
  Neuralscape; (831) 426-8547
  Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060

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