RE: logitech USB QuickCam Express; anyone ever tried it under boc hs with windows?

From: Dunlap, Randy (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 20:39:46 EST

Logitech is not supportive of developing such a driver
and noone is working on one that I know of.

Could be that they don't own the IP inside, so they
are prevented from providing an open source solution
for it.

You certainly are not the first to ask about Logitech
QuickCam support. Go for it, using one of the methods
that you mentioned if you want to. That's apparently
the only way to get it done.

~Randy []
|Randy Dunlap Intel Corp., DAL Sr. SW Engr.|
| 503-696-2055|
|NOTE: Any views presented here are mine alone |
|and may not represent the views of my employer. |

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Folkert van Heusden []
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 4:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: logitech USB QuickCam Express; anyone ever tried it
> under bochs with windows?
> Has anyone ever been working on a driver for the USB webcam
> "Logitech QuickCam Express"? And/or doing tracing of usb under
> windows under Bochs? (or vmware, or whatever).
> Any hints and or tips are welcome ("don't waste your time" is
> not one of them)
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Folkert van Heusden
> some e-mail addresses:,
> mobile phone: +31-6-22390057

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