[patch] smp-2.3.48-B2, MP config table in high memory

From: Ingo Molnar (mingo@chiara.csoma.elte.hu)
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 17:29:34 EST

> Not surprising. We probably have tons of small ordering assumptions
> that just never came up..

it just turned out to be a single assumption: init_apic_mappings() must
happen after init_smp_config(). (this also explains my crash)

The attached smp-2.3.48-B2 patch (against pre2-2.3.48) boots just fine
here. The reserve_bootmem() thing might just be paranoia - is there any
conceivable possibility that pagetable_init() overwrites the MP table?

Lyle, could you check out this patch on your 'interesting' system? Thanks.


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