Re: /proc/nzombies

From: Ricky Beam (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 16:01:26 EST

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
>> <humor>
>> Would I have to run mklost+found on /proc? Would it be a 12k directory
>> like every other lost+found?
>I think it might have to be :-). Well, how many zombies can _you_ spawn?

I didn't name the machine "nightofthelivingdead" for nothing :-)

>> Might I suggest a /proc/0/... tree of process information? (task[0] is
>> the kernel after all.) It would help reduce the clutter in /proc. It
>Not bad (isn't it the task that isn't?). But using the inodes as

Well, if task[0] exits, "all hell breaks loose"...

>numbers and the names as names might make more sense! /proc/kernel,
>/proc/init, etc... (and there is nothing wrong with /proc/lost+found,
>except that it had better have a crazy inode number, as it can't ever
>collect itself).

How about 0?

>What does this clutter matter, btw? I think the valid point you really

The readdir() walk of /proc for process information. A little organization
isn't a bad thing. (Or do you prefer the old flat file system of older MacOS)

>have concerns the chroot'ed root who can mount /proc and therefore get
>at all processes .. as though he couldn't already mount the disk
>partitions and do enough damage (and telnet to his own copy of telnetd

chroot() is prevent programs from messing things up accidentally. For a
targeted attack, once root access is attained, there's not much one cannot
do. And you cannot re-mount an already mounted partition. (I just tried
with proc unmounted and mtab erased.) [I think we will all agree there's
no stopping root from doing something.]


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