Re: oom killing

From: ADAM Sulmicki (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 15:06:03 EST

> > Is there some sane (and easy) way to stop this crazed thing from
> > killing my programs? if I need to kill something I can do this
> Which kernel version?

more to the point, it happened twice.
        once when I was running 2.3.41 smp
        it was mozilla's (m13?) fault that it ate whole ram,
        it killed X only.

        the other time it happened was today
        it was kernel 2.3.47 smp
        it was netscape when I as testing s "stress" page
        it killed sendmail,emacs and klogd few times..

the box has 128mb ram and 128mb swap.

any idea what's going on?

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