Re: [patch] vsyscall feature

From: Mike Coleman (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 14:20:59 EST

Jamie Lokier <> writes:
> Helge Hafting wrote:
> > I have no idea why you need to lie about time to some processes,
> Software that breaks when given the current date...
> You want to run an interactive program 10 times slower than usual...

To what Jamie said, I'll add that I want to be able to lie about

This is good for debugging, for example. I can test my program as if it were
Dec 31, or as if the system were pathologically loaded (ever wonder how cron
would react if it doesn't get the CPU for an hour?), or as if the disk were
full, etc, etc.

Perhaps more importantly, though, it's about control. As the user running the
program, I want total control over what it sees and over what it can do. If I
don't have that power, then whoever wrote the software has power over me.


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