Re: 2.3.51 -- I am still seeing the"shmget: shm filesystem not mounted" error

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 12:09:18 EST

> Just as well. Some ancient X shm code I just looked at waits for a
> confirmation event back from X before doing IPC_RMID, so I guess this
> behaviour of not allowing shmat after IPC_RMID was already the case for
> a certain "SunOS" some years ago.
> As it should be.

I'd disagree. The remove and attach technique is very very commonly used
by other applications in order to ensure the segment is deleted if a program
crashed - directly analogous to open/unlink/read.

Gimp wont be the only thing that breaks. So the old behaviour needs to work
at least for SYS5 IPC, what posix ipc does is another matter


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