Re: new IRQ scalability changes in 2.3.48

Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 18:44:56 EST

On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 12:30:18AM +0100, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> wrote:
> Aye, but softmodem drivers will be run on non-RTLinux systems. Because
> it's simply for users who want to use their winmodems. And it would

Why not have those users use a RTLinux enabled kernel? A softmodem driver
would be easy to do. Certainly a lot easier than maintaining a fully
preemptible kernel. I can see doing a major redesign to make Oracle work
or to make gcc run fast, but to leap into the pit that has doomed so many
OS's before in order to make it slightly more convenient to run a winmodem?

> like a bounded latency please during 99.9% of all seconds (hard RT not
> strictly required). None of this "I started netscape and the latencies
> suddenly jumped 100 times".

People who try to do hard RT on NT tell me that the screen saver can kill

Victor Yodaiken 
FSMLabs is a servicemark and a service of 
VJY Associates L.L.C, New Mexico.

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