what is a "writtable" fd in select?

From: Marty Leisner (leisner@rochester.rr.com)
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 09:04:50 EST

I compared solaris, freebsd 3.2 and linux 2.0/2.2.

It seems when you go into select on a pipe (in this case a
named pipe), freebsd and solaris come out of select when you
can write some data to the pipe (i.e. 512-1k). linux comes
out of the select when the pipe is empty.

I can't find a more meaningful requirement for this
(I looked on SUS V2, haven't tried the Austin group yet).
Comments on this? Is this something tunable (I may like
the linux behavior better...)

Marty Leisner

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