Re: Minor Makefile (ctags) patch.

From: Pete Wyckoff (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 16:57:32 EST said:
> The current tags label in /usr/src/linux/Makefile only
> creates a tags file in the current directory. This minor
> patch will create a symbolic link to the tags file in the
> /usr/src/linux. Looking at the ctags man page, it might
> be possible to compensate for the lack of a tags file
> in, say, /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound, using $CTAGS but
> if you have multiple source trees, this saves you the effort
> of exporting and reexporting the variable.
> --- Makefile.orig Wed Mar 15 17:42:33 2000
> +++ Wed Mar 15 18:10:13 2000
> @@ -367,6 +367,7 @@
> ctags $$CTAGSF `find include/asm-$(ARCH) -name '*.h'` && \
> find include -type d \( -name "asm-*" -o -name config \) -prune -o -name '*.h' -print | xargs ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
> find $(SUBDIRS) init -name '*.c' | xargs ctags $$CTAGSF -a
> + find . -mindepth 2 -type d -exec ln -s `pwd`/tags {} \;

I can't imagine how this could work or be useful. It appears just to
add a bazillion soft links in the kernel tree. The tags file uses
relative path names so that if you cd down into, say fs/nfs, and try to
use the linked tags file you propose by tagging to nfs_writepage_sync,
you'll see (in vim):

        File "./fs/nfs/write.c" does not exist

Do what I do and just sit in the toplevel dir and edit files
including the pathnames:

        vi fs/nfs/write.c
        vi -t nsf_writepage_sync

If you really can't stand that, you can

        :set tags=tags,../tags,../../tags,../../../tags

to have the editor go searching around for the tags file.

Is your vi/ctags setup somehow different?

                -- Pete

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