2.3.99-pre3 ipv4 modules crash

From: Ganesh Sittampalam (ganesh@earth.li)
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 04:58:22 EST

Repeatedly inserting and removing the modules in the ipv4 directory under
heavy networking load seems to cause an Aiee very quickly. It filled more
than a screen and didn't get written out to disk, I do have the dump from
an Oops I was able to provoke in 2.3.99-pre2 under similar conditions but
which much more effort, if this is any use.

The exact procedure I used to provoke this was:

On some remote machine which can ssh to the machine running 2.3.99-pre3
[coconut] using RSA auth and no passphrase:

while true ; do ssh coconut cat /vmlinuz >/dev/null </dev/null ; done &
[repeat a few times]

On coconut:

cd /lib/modules/2.3.99-pre3
ls | cut -f 1 -d'.' > ~/ipv4.modules
[edit ~/ipv4.modules to remove ipchains and ipfwadm]

while true ; do for d in `cat ~/ipv4.modules` ; do modprobe -k $d ; done ;
  rmmod -r `cat ~/ipv4.modules` ; done



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