Re: kswapd a zombie.

From: Cyrille Chepelov (home) (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 01:47:10 EST

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Daniel Kobras wrote:

> The question being: what on earth could force kswapd into zombie
> state? Can someone give me a clue?

Got something *very* similar recently. I posted it to the list, nobody
cared to reply ; not precise enough, probably.

Can you characterise when does your kswapd bang (how much memory your hog
ate). Can you also run your hog while in a text mode console, to see if
kswapd "oopses" anything there before it dies. Last but not least, are the
symptoms the same with -pre5 (I found kswapd still crashed, but behaved
much better wrt CPU usage).

Good luck

        -- Cyrille


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