PPP crash with 2.2.15

From: Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS (edmundo@rano.org)
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 03:57:36 EST

When I do "cvs update" to an anonymous CVS server over my PPP
connection, the PPP connection dies. This happens every time.
Everything else seems to work.

The reason I suspect this might be a kernel problem is that on two
occasions the whole system has died. I remember the second occasion
best: after an attempted "cvs update" no packets were getting through,
so I did "poff", and then everything froze; there was no response to
ping on the ethernet connection.

I can't reproduce the crash very easily, but I can reliably reproduce
the PPP connection dying.

It's a dual overclocked Celeron system (BP6) with a 2.2.15 kernel I
compiled myself. But I can reproduce the PPP connection dying without
overclocking and with Debian's 2.2.15 non-SMP kernel. Anyway, I
haven't had any other symptoms of a hardware problem.

Could someone suggest any experiments I could do or how to get some
detailed logs?

I used to have no problems with 2.2.14 on a different machine with the
same (internal) modem, so I'll try running 2.2.14 on the new machine as
an experiment. If I still can't make CVS usable I'll probably put the
modem back into the older machine and use that as a masquerading
firewall. If everything then works again I probably won't want to take
either machine apart again so it will be too late to gather any data on
what might, perhaps, be a race condition in the kernel. So I'd be
grateful for any help now.

$ bzcat patch-2.2.15.bz2 | grep -ic ppp



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