RE: CML2 0.2.0

From: Chemolli Francesco (USI) (
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 07:10:54 EST

> CML2 0.2.0 is now available at
> Release 0.2.0: Wed May 31 16:53:34 EDT 2000
> * Full atemporal deduction with a baby theorem prover!
> * Whenever/sets are gone from the language. Those deductions
> are now done directly from requires.
> * Setting a symbol may now set symbols in its visibility guard,
> if we can deduce that relationals in the guard must be true.
> Alan Cox should now have his "set a driver and watch all the
> requirements turn on" feature.

I am not familiar in how this works, but it would be cool if those
requirements were marked as "weak" and un-marked if the option relying
on them is.

I have driver "foo" requiring "bar". If I mark foo, I want bar to be marked.
But if then I change my mind and unmark foo, I wish for bar to be unmarked
(unless explicitly re-marked). But if I select first bar and then foo, then
bar is not to be de-selected when foo is.

But then, maybe this already happens...


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