Re: Hot pluggable CPUs ( was Linux 2.5 / 2.6 TODO (preliminary) )

From: James Sutherland (
Date: Sat Jun 03 2000 - 08:29:34 EST

On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Andrew Sharp wrote:

> Implementing hot plug CPUs is relatively easy [as long as the user doesn't
> try and idle out ALL the processors ~:^) ].

Easy enough to test for - or should we give the users enough rope to shoot
themselves in both feet at once? :)

> Implementing hot plug memory boards is a different story.

It shouldn't be all that harder. Harder than killing a CPU, certainly, but
far from impossible. Mark the range as unavailable, then page out any user
pages from that region. Most kernel pages could just be moved elsewhere;
the big problem will be devices using buffers for DMA. Presumably the best
way to solve that would be either to reinitialise that driver (rmmod,
insmod) or to have a way to tell the driver to perform the move itself.

Except for reinitialising the drivers, the only impact should be a
performace hit while the memory contents are moved. With the right driver
modifications, we could avoid any actual loss of functionality during the

This is, IMHO, quite an attractive idea: a fully hot-swappable system,
where any failed component can be replaced without any downtime.


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