[PATCH]2.4.0-test1-ac8 small xconfig fix

From: Kip Macy (kip@eventdriven.org)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 15:04:59 EST

This is a small patch that fixes a race condition exposed by new
keybinding code in tkgen.c and cleans up two bindings


diff -Naur linux/drivers/sound/Config.in linux-2.4.0test-ac8/drivers/sound/Config.in
--- linux/drivers/sound/Config.in Mon Jun 5 12:48:55 2000
+++ linux-2.4.0test-ac8/drivers/sound/Config.in Mon Jun 5 12:17:37 2000
@@ -182,5 +182,5 @@
-dep_tristate ' TV card (bt848) mixer support' CONFIG_SOUND_TVMIXER $CONFIG_SOUND
+ dep_tristate ' TV card (bt848) mixer support' CONFIG_SOUND_TVMIXER $CONFIG_SOUND
diff -Naur linux/scripts/tkgen.c linux-2.4.0test-ac8/scripts/tkgen.c
--- linux/scripts/tkgen.c Mon Jun 5 12:21:42 2000
+++ linux-2.4.0test-ac8/scripts/tkgen.c Mon Jun 5 13:01:51 2000
@@ -189,21 +189,12 @@
     printf( "\t\t-width 15 -command $nextscript\n");
     if ( menu_num == tot_menu_num ) {
- printf( "\t$w.f.next configure -state disabled\n" );
- /*
- * this is a bit hackish but Alt-n must be rebound
- * otherwise if the user press Alt-n on the last menu
- * it will give him/her the next menu of one of the
- * previous options
- */
- printf( "\tbind all <Alt-n> \"puts \\\"no more menus\\\" \"\n");
+ printf( "\t$w.f.next configure -state disabled\n" );
+ printf( "\tbind $w <Alt-n> break\n");
- /*
- * I should be binding to $w not all - but if I do nehat I get the error "unknown path"
- */
- printf( "\tbind all <Alt-n> $nextscript\n");
+ printf( "\tbind $w <Alt-n> \"$nextscript;break\"\n");
     printf( "\tbutton $w.f.prev -text \"Prev\" -underline 0\\\n" );
     printf( "\t\t-width 15 -command \"catch {focus $oldFocus}; destroy $w; unregister_active %d; menu%d .menu%d \\\"$title\\\"\"\n",
@@ -1007,7 +998,7 @@
         printf( "\tset winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]\n" );
- printf( "\twm geometry $w +$winx+$winy\n" );
+ printf( "\tif {[winfo exists $w]} {wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy}\n" );
      * Now that the whole window is in place, we need to wait for an "update"
@@ -1020,7 +1011,7 @@
      * around frames. Sigh.
     printf( "\tupdate idletasks\n" );
- printf( "\t$w.config.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.config.f\n\n" );
+ printf( "\tif {[winfo exists $w]} {\n $w.config.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.config.f\n\n" );
     printf( "\t$w.config.canvas configure \\\n" );
     printf( "\t\t-width [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1]\\\n" );
     printf( "\t\t-scrollregion \"-1 -1 [expr [winfo reqwidth $w.config.f] + 1] \\\n" );
@@ -1048,7 +1039,7 @@
     printf( "\twm maxsize $w [winfo width $w] [winfo screenheight $w]\n" );
     printf( "\twm minsize $w [winfo width $w] 100\n\n" );
     printf( "\twm deiconify $w\n" );
- printf( "}\n\n\n" );
+ printf( "}}\n\n\n" );
      * Now we generate the companion procedure for the menu we just

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