Re: [RFC] union-mount stuff

From: Hans Reiser (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 17:12:24 EST

Alexander Viro wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > Are you going to eventually support views being established by a chdir() like
> > mechanism? We will someday want that when ReiserFS starts doing semantic
> > enhancements.
> If you mean proper namespaces - yes, but it is done not through the
> chdir(), it's clone() with CLONE_NEWNS or CLONE_COPYNS.

chdir might be better. There is a deep VFS lacking, which is that it cannot
resolve names that return multiple files, and a minor aspect of that is that
chdir() cannot change to multiple directories. This will be a hard one to
rectify though, as it requires a whole new set of system calls alongside the
current ones.

> > Can you point us all to a comprehensive definition of union mounts that we can
> > read before addressing your fine points?
> Uff... A little bit later, OK?

I understand.;-)


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