Re: Re : 2.4.0-test2 doesn't compile

From: Horst von Brand (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 20:36:38 EST

Alan Cox <> said:

> > is the compiler. I use gcc- I've egcc-2.91.60 , but it is even
> > worse.
> > is recommended in linux/Documentation/Changes ...

> Are you sure if its gcc or binutils ?

Here I have:

gcc-2.95.3-0.20000517 (Red Hat rawhide source), binutils-2.10-1 (Stock GNU,
RPMized myself) on i686 (and all tools build for that). 2.4.0-test2 builds
fine. vmlinuz is just a _lot_ larger than 2.2.17pre6 (639127 vs 454005)
with essentially the same configuration.

Horst von Brand                   
Casilla 9G, Vin~a del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616

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