Re: Updated 2.4 status/todo list

From: Michael Elizabeth Chastain (
Date: Sat Jul 29 2000 - 19:26:32 EST

Barry writes:

   * In 2.4.0testX(preY) (ranging from 3,8 to 5,3 at the very least, and
     probably also including at least some earlier and later kernels),
     there's a problem when trying to compile 2.0.38: make dep fails
     with an Error 135. This does not happen when trying to compile
     2.0.38 under 2.2.x.

I think this is a bug in a userland program that comes with 2.0.38,
rather than a bug in the kernel.

scripts/mkdep.c mmap's its input files. In 2.0.38, mkdep.c mmap's
a couple of words beyond the end of its input file. It then relies
on reading those bytes as 0, and on the rest of the file having no
null bytes in it.

Here's the broken code:

    /* scripts/mkdep.c */
    fstat(fd, &st);
    mapsize = st.st_size + 2*sizeof(unsigned long);
    mapsize = (mapsize+pagesizem1) & ~pagesizem1;
    map = mmap(NULL, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);

This is a small matter of programming to fix. Grab the 2.4.X
scripts/mkdep.c and look at how it maps only what's in the file.
Then change GET_NEXT to test against the end-of-file pointer
rather than look for null bytes.

Hope this helps,

Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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