Re: 64 bit divide/mod in 2.4.0-test5

From: Jes Sorensen (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 09:52:57 EST

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff V Merkey <> writes:

Jeff> I am seeing __idiv3 and __imod3 unresolved externals if I
Jeff> attempt the following within a kernel modules:

Jeff> (long long) val / (long) val1;

Jeff> and

Jeff> (long long) val % (long) val1;

Jeff> Is there a compiler switch somewhere to forced the compiler to
Jeff> inline this code for 64-bit divides and modulo operations or
Jeff> include it from a macro library somewhere for IA32 systems that
Jeff> want to support 64-bit filesystem math without being like broken
Jeff> NT and needing stupid kernel library functions to do this?

Well you are seeing those because it's deprecated, you should use a
shift operator instead if in any way possible.


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