Re: 2.4.0-test6 memory leak?

From: Forever shall I be. (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 09:42:50 EST

Tigran Aivazian wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Forever shall I be. wrote:
> > especially when I'm attempting to run programs and watching them
> > get killed because there's no more memory left..
> ah... you didn't say that, did you? If you do get processes killed because
> of oom you may indeed have some sort of leak (but not necessarily).


> Regards,
> Tigran

Well, you were right.. It's not a memory leak, but I still consider it a
bug... I can allocate small amounts of memory, and let it free up more as
I allocate and write to them, and by doing this, I can regain the
memory so that I can allocate it all at once -- I can't just allocate it
all at once from the start, though, because Linux apparently thinks it's
taken by something that won't free it up for me ;)

Zinx Verituse <>                          :(){ :|:&};:
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