Re: 2.4.0-test10 Sluggish After Load

From: Alessandro Suardi (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 06:09:06 EST

Sean Hunter wrote:
> Pardon my speculations (if I am wrong), but isn't this an oracle question?

Maybe, maybe not... what Oracle version ?

> Isn't oracle killing the server by trying to clean up 1800 connections all at
> once? When they're all connected, most of the work is done by one or two
> oracle processes, but when you kill your ddos thing, all of the oracle
> listeners (of which there is one per connection), steam in and try to clean up.

PMON does the cleanup, so you may have 1 process pegging your CPU at 100%,
 which is not what you see. How does your stress tester work exactly and
 what happens when you stop it ? (my guess is that shadow processes may
 have gone into a CPU loop if detached from the calling process and yes
 that would be abnormal behavior on Oracle's side).

> I thought oracle had an internal connection limit (on our servers it is set to
> 440 connections), anyways.

If Oracle couldn't manage 1800 connections that would be bad news :)

Thanks & ciao,

--alessandro <> <>

Linux: kernel 2.2.18p18/2.4.0-t10p7 glibc-2.1.94 gcc-2.95.2 binutils-
Oracle: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition for Linux
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