Re: 2.2.x BUG & PATCH: recvmsg() does not check msg_controllen correctly

From: David S. Miller (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 19:38:12 EST

   From: Philippe Troin <>
   Date: 03 Nov 2000 16:17:53 -0800

   Mmmh, no, if fdmax <= 0 (which happens when msg_controllen <
   sizeof(struct cmsghdr)), then alls fds are passed, eventually
   clobbering past ((char*)(msg_control)+m_controllen).

   Run the little test case if you're not convinced...
   I stand by my patch :-)

If fdmax <= 0, no iterations of the "for (i=0" loop will run.
'i' will therefore be left equal to zero. Therefore the next
bit of code writing in the SOL_SOCKET/SCM_RIGHTS/etc. values
will not run.

Next comes the test I modified, which will set MSG_CTRUNC.

Next scm_destroy(scm) is called which frees the list (this has to get
called and is why I say your patch wasn't correct).

So where in this code are all the fds passed to the user in this case?
I don't care what it actually does, I want to be shown why because as
far as I see it doesn't do what you say it does.

David S. Miller
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