A question about memory fragmentation

From: Abel Muņoz Alcaraz (abel@trymedia.com)
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 10:20:20 EST

Hi everybody,
        I have a question for you; How Linux avoids the memory fragmentation in
linked lists?

        Windows 9x/NT/2000 (sorry, ;-)), have specific functions (like List_Create,
ExInitializeSListHead, ...) to create generic linked lists but I don't find
something similar in Linux.
        Has Linux a generic linked list management API ?
        Must I develop this?
        Is the kernel memory fragmentation a solved problem in Linux? (I wish it).

        I have develop my own API but I don't know if Linux can do this for me.

Thanks in advance.

Abel Muņoz Alcaraz.
Media Security Software Developer.
Trymedia Systems

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