Re: Linus's include file strategy redux

From: Peter Samuelson (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 21:18:37 EST

  [Peter Samuelson]
> > make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build modules SUBDIRS=$(pwd)

[Miquel van Smoorenburg]
> Excellent. Is there any way to put his in a Makefile?

I don't know why not. Here's what I would start with:

  PWD := $(shell pwd)
  KERNEL := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build

          # ...other stuff...
          $(CALLMAKE) modules

          # ...other stuff...
          $(CALLMAKE) modules_install

  # ...other stuff...
  include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make

Not *quite* that simple, but it's a start. Note that with this
construction you let the savvy user override $(KERNEL) at the command
line. (I, for one, would insist.)

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