Re: i810_audio broken?

From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 17:59:33 EST

Pawel Worach wrote:
> Ok building mpg123 without eSound worked for me too,
> so guess this is not a Linux kernel issue, sorry for this.
> I tried the fstodell hack but it seems to be obsoluted.
> Now it works without any tweaks.
> eSound sux?

Are you guys running esd with any special arguments?

esd needs a special argument, -r RATE [iirc], in order to tell esd that
it is dealing with a locked rate codec.

Jeff Garzik      | The difference between America and England is that
Building 1024    | the English think 100 miles is a long distance and
MandrakeSoft     | the Americans think 100 years is a long time.
                 |      (random fortune)
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