strangeness writing CDs (ide and scsi)

From: Marty Leisner (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 22:58:01 EST

I just got an HP9600 cdwriter (scsi, external).

No problem...

I made a CDROM and did a cmp against an ISO master...

then when I tried to read it on an IDE cdrom drive, I get:
hda: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30
hda: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30

I tried 3 different CD-ROM drives on 2 systems (one running redhat 7.1,
the other 6.2).

Same results.

So for grunts, I have a NEC SCSI CD changer...I put the one I wrote
in there...did the problem...

(It also would be very, very useful if the error messages would
include the sectors in cdrom_decode_status).

I'm somewhat puzzled...

Marty Leisner
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