Re: installing Linux over a network

From: Fred Jackson (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 22:24:42 EST

I installed RedHat 7.1 using one floppy and a network card.
use rawrite and image to make the floppy.

I don't know if It's possible to install rh7.1 in 120MB though.


On Sunday 19 August 2001 08:21 pm, tristan wrote:
> I havent been able to find a way of installing
> Linux slackware or red hat with out using 90 or more
> floppies, and i have no cd rom on my 386. Is there
> a way to install Linux over a network on such an old machine.
> It currently has windows 3.1 and DOS running. And
> has one 60 mb hard drive and one 120 mb hard drive.
> I have found a small easy to install minix 386 that goes over
> DOS so I may just use that to start off, in order to install
> a very old linux kernel .01 or .02
> Tristan
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