Re: State of the new config & build system

From: Stewart Smith (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 18:25:38 EST

dammit, didn't hit "reply all" grr....

On Saturday, December 29, 2001, at 05:02 AM, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> My pet peeve is "centralized knowledge". I absolutely detested the first
> versions of cml2 for having a single config file, and quite frankly I
> don't think Eric has even _yet_ separated things out enough - why does
> the
> main "rules.cml" file have architecture-specific info, for example?

agreed - it's something that really irritates me too. As Linux is
running on so many different architectures (some of which are purely
virtual, such as Usermode Linux and my whacky idea of running it ontop
of MacOS X) so it seems that keeping all the options for architectures
separate would make a lot of sense. I've never seen a cross-platform
binary kernel (although have had scary dreams of one)

> So if somebody really wants to help this, make scripts that generate
> config files AND files from a distributed set. And once
> you
> do that, you could even imagine creating the old-style config files
> (without the automatic checking and losing some information) from the
> information.

This shouldn't be too hard should it? In each module directory have a
config and file, then just

find . |grep config

and then cat all the files together. If I have some spare time today
I'll see if I can hack something up.... :)

Stewart Smith
Ph: +61 4 3884 4332
ICQ: 6734154

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