[Q] Looking for an emulation for CMOV* instructions.

From: Ronald Wahl (Ronald.Wahl@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 18:08:17 EST

Hallo kernel hackers,

is it possible to include an emulation for the CMOV* (and possible other
i686 instructions) for processors that dont have these (k6, pentium
etc.)? I think this should work like the fpu emulation. Even if its slow
it will allow you to work even if you tried to install a libc for i686
on an older architecture or if you have apps that are statically linked
against such a libc (rpm, e2fschk, etc.).

I found some info on this here:


        "... * uae_jit: added CMOV "emulation" for processors that don't
         support them ..."

Maybe this can be of any use to hack it in the kernel?


/\/\  Dipl.-Inf. Ronald Wahl                /\/\        C S N         /\/\
\/\/  ronald.wahl@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de \/\/  ------------------  \/\/
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