Re: 2.4.19-preX: What we really need: -AA patches finally in the tree

From: Daniel Phillips (
Date: Sun Feb 24 2002 - 00:44:36 EST

On February 26, 2002 02:32 am, Martin J. Bligh wrote:
> > Not to begin the flamewar, but no thanks. rmap-12f blows -aa away AFAIK
> > on this P200 w/ 64MB ram.
> rmap still sucks on large systems though.

But this is not a fundamental issue, it's implementation. Whereas non-rmap
will always suck on large systems, for fundamental reasons that are unrelated
to the quality of the implementation.

> I'd love to see rmap
> in the main kernel, but it needs to get the scalability fixed first.


> The main problem seems to be pagemap_lru_lock ... Rik & crew
> know about this problem, but let's give them some time to fix it
> before rmap gets put into mainline ....

Yes, yes and yes.

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