Re: 2.5.24-dj1,smp,ext2,raid0: I got random zero blocks in my files.

From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 03:18:20 EST

Helge Hafting wrote:
> 2.5.24-dj1 gave me files with zeroed blocks inside.
> What I did: I untarred the source for lyx 1.2.0
> and tried to compile it, several times.
> gcc and make choked on occational blocks of zeroes
> inside files, different places each time.
> Going back to 2.5.18 fixed it.
> This isn't all that surprising considering that
> the raid driver logs complaints about requests
> bigger than 32k, which is the stripe size.
> I believed this worked by retrying with much smaller
> requests, perhaps I am wrong?
> The filesystems use 4k blocks.
> I haven't seen any trouble on non-raid or raid-1
> partitions.

Yes, the large BIO stuff went into 2.5.19. RAID0 doesn't
like those big BIOs. Jens is cooking up a fix for that.

Just to confirm that this is the problem, could you please
set MPAGE_BIO_MAX_SIZE in 32768 in fs/mpage.c and see if the
failure goes away?

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