problems on crusoe-based laptop

From: Tibor Veres (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 09:50:09 EST

I'm trying to install linux to a toshiba libretto l5 (transmeta crusoe

I have no cd or floppy, I boot over the network with intel pxe bootrom..
DHCP works, after stripping down the kernel to <512k, the kernel loads
too, but I get the following error message:

AX: 0205
BX: 0200
CX: 0020
DX: 0000.

I tryed with the following configurations:
version: 2.4.18, 2.4.17
toshiba laptop support: on/off
pci access mode: direct/bios/both
cpu: 386/crusoe
everything else turned off except for IDE and ext2

What does the error message mean? What should I do to make it boot.

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