Re: Select voltage manually in cpufreq

From: Pavel Machek (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 16:58:19 EST


> > I've added possibility to manualy force specified frequency and
> > voltage... That's fairly usefull for testing, and I believe this (or
> > something equivalent) is needed because every 2nd bios seems to be
> > b0rken.
> Why are all the power/cpu patches so complex? Can't we have a
> two-mode style operation, "slow-low-power" and "fast-high-power" or
> something? Would that not work with 99% or what people need and also
> be somewhat more uniform across platforms, CPUs, etc?

Well, and does slow-low-power mean 300MHz, 1.4V as bios said, or
300MHz, 1.2V which is probably also safe?

What about
running-low-and-can-not-give-enough-current"? That's different from
"fast-high-power", but it is *also* different from
"slow-low-power". [This actually matters on beasts like zaurus]. What
"as-low-power-as-possible-but-make-sure-you-can-keep-display-up"? [On
some machines cpu must be > some HMz for display to still work].

Power managment is complex...

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