Re: nfs and getattr

From: J.A. Magallon (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 21:11:04 EST

On 03.18, J.A. Magallon wrote:
> A NFS client through 100Mb Ether takes a loooooooong time to read a database
> from the server, which the server itself reads in less than 10 seconds.
> The database is a scene description for render that basically 'includes'
> the same small set of files (around 10) many times, instanced all over the
> place...
> Mount in client:
> on /home type nfs (rw,nfsvers=2,noac,addr=

More with a silly test:


for i in $(seq 1000)
        cat $0 > /dev/null

annwn:~> time nfst
0.69user 1.49system 0:02.04elapsed 106%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (126416major+42508minor)pagefaults 0swaps
annwn:~> time bpsh 0 nfst
1.02user 1.86system 0:33.64elapsed 8%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (280major+30minor)pagefaults 0swaps

J.A. Magallon <>      \                 Software is like sex:                         \           It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.4.21-pre5-jam0 (gcc 3.2.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2.2-3mdk))
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