Re: [RFC] linux-2.5.65_clock-override_A0

From: Jerry Cooperstein (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 19:21:42 EST

On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 02:54:05PM -0800, john stultz wrote:
> All,
> Inspired by Stephen Hemminger's "boot time parameter to turn of TSC
> usage" patch, I implemented my own version that is a tad bit more
> flexible.
> With this patch, one can manually specify on the boot cmdline which time
> source should be used (if available) for calculating gettimeofday().
> This will override the default probed selection. Should the requested
> time-source not be available, the code defaults to using the PIT (and
> prints a warning saying so).
> Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
> thanks
> -john

Works fine on the hardware that started the whole thing. This one requires
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ turned off (otherwise the keyboard freezes). Stephen
Hemminger's required CONFIG_CPU_FREQ to be set (otherwise the keyboard
froze in this case as well, not being able to register interrupts),
which made less sense.

good work.

 Jerry Cooperstein, Senior Consultant, <>
 Axian, Inc., Software Consulting and Training
 4800 SW Griffith Dr., Ste. 202, Beaverton, OR 97005 USA
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