Re: [SiS IDE patch] various fixes

From: Lionel Bouton (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 07:52:12 EST

Marcin Wiacek wrote:

>I wanted to check if very carefully (Sis 655). DMA seems to be enabled
>for HDD. But still there are some problems OR with 2.4.21 at all (I
>quess something wrong generally in IDE support) OR still with Sis
>driver. Why ? It seems, that DMA is NOT enabled for DVD and CDRW. I hear
>it - they work very slow. Also hdparm shows errors, when get info about
>them. In attachments examples.

Please, send us your exact kernel version and the .config file used to
make your kernel.

Lionel Bouton - inet6
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 / /\  /_  / /_   France
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