2.6.0-test1 test results (radeonfb and ACPI on thinkpad A30)

From: Paweł T. Jochym (jochym@rozeta.com.pl)
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 07:03:22 EST

Here is a report on my tests of 2.6.0-test1 on ThinkPad A30:

(preempt kernel with quite standard config - I'll post config on request)

- RadeonFB - sort-of works (it was working fine in 2.4.21). It boots,
detects panel size correctly (1400x1050), switches to fbconsole of
proper size but the screen is garbage: the contents of each line seams
to be shifted by some 8-32 pixels (its difficult to tell exactly how
much). I was able to reset it to proper geometry by "fbset 1600x1200-60"
command (notice the geometry!) and after that it reports virtual
resolution 1600x1200 and visable resolution of 1400x1050 and works fine.

- ACPI - I was unable to boot with ACPI turned on. It simply hangs at
very early stage (shows nothing on the console). Notice that this is
upgraded BIOS/EC machine with corrected ACPI tables - 2.4.21-ac4 with
ACPI works fine. Any sugestions?

- Other - i've noticed too fast playback in mplayer (by some 10-20%) and
jumping sound/video in xine.

- We will need to put some more documentation on setting this kernel up
for newbies (I know - later).

The rest is working fine as far as I can tell.

I'll be happy to provide any additional info/conduct more tests. Just
say so.

Pawel Jochym

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