Re: tasklet_kill will always hang for recursive tasklets on a UP

From: Nagendra Singh Tomar
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 23:21:09 EST


On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 kuznet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hello!
> > Hmm, actually, no. On UP, yes. But on SMP, you might tasklet_kill
> > while the tasklet is running, but before it has had a chance to
> > tasklet_schedule itself. tasklet_schedule will have no effect in
> > this case.
> >
> > Alexey, if my observation is correct, the property
> >
> > | * If tasklet_schedule() is called, then tasklet is guaranteed
> > | to be executed on some cpu at least once after this.
> >
> > does not hold if using tasklet_kill on SMP.
> It still holds. tasklet_kill just waits for completion of scheduled
> events. Well, it _assumes_ that cpu which calls tasklet_schedule
> does not try to wake the tasklet after death. But it is from area
> of pure scholastics already: waker and killer have to synchronize in
> some
> way anyway.

I didn't really understand this one. What Werner says seems correct
though. For recursive tasklets one of the two things are bound to happen.
Either the tasklet_kill hangs (which will happen on UP) or one (read last)
tasklet_schedule is not honoured (which will happen on SMP). On SMP the
user context tasklet_kill gets a chance to exit the
"while (test_bit(TASKLET_STATE_SCHED, &t->state))" loop as it gets a
chance to run parallely with tasklet_action in the small window (during
which TASKLET_STATE_SCHED is not set) that I mentioned in one of my
earlier mails.

So I believe that at least one (to be precise, the last one called before
tasklet dies) tasklet_schedule is not honoured.



> Alexey

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