Re: Use of AI for process scheduling

From: Timothy Miller
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 09:48:35 EST

William Lee Irwin III wrote:
I thought better of sending this as it seemed perhaps too unfriendly,
but after pasting a few lines of it on IRC, it appears some people
found it humorous. So, on with the diatribe^Wshow:

Well, despite the fact that you have a somewhat offensive tone, I do take what you're saying seriously. Not to say that I'm ENTIRELY discouraged, but your point that I need to have something a lot more solid is well taken.

Fortunately, my post has had the intended effect: other people have responded with specific good ideas, ones which can possibly be used to produce something more concretely useful than the vague notion I posited.

I don't believe I will completely give up my habit of suggesting vague ideas, because it has been a successful approach in the past. Other intelligent people naturally fill in the holes with knowedge and ideas of their own. On the other hand, before I go off with something too vague, perhaps I will flesh it out with more thought on my own. I hope adding too many of my own ideas won't bias others or prevent people from suggesting alternatives.

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