Re: People, not GPL [was: Re: Driver Model]

From: walt
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 23:39:16 EST

Andre Hedrick wrote:

One more thing you forgot!

Before you run around ranting about DMCA and CPRM and making suttle legal
threats. Everyone here knows who put it on the line to gain control of
technology to prevent Content Protection Recordable Media from covering
the storage industry wide. That is correct it was me...

Hi Andre,

I'm not a technical person but I've been following the linux-kernel list
for enough years to know who you are and approximately what you have
contributed to the open-source community. Let me start by saying THANK
YOU! I very much appreciate what you do for all of us.

I would like to help you in return, if I can.

I have tried my best for several years to understand your posts and I
simply cannot. I want to understand you because I know you know you
have a great deal to offer -- but I just don't know what the fuck you
are talking about most of the time, no matter how many times I read
your posts.

Please don't be insulted, I beg you. I don't mean to criticize in any
way, but I see that you need help with communication skills. Many of
your posts in this mailing list probably are ignored simply because
very few people understand what you are trying to say.

I'm a married man so I understand how frustrating it is to have every
word misinterpreted. But such frustration should not be necessary in
a technical forum like this one. Anyone who can talk to a disk should
be able to talk to this crowd, but I think you need a wrapper for the
PMLI (Programmer Mailing List Interface).

I can't help feeling that a lot of your frustration is caused by
miscommunciation rather than real issues.

I hate to see you so frustrated and upset when your coronaries are at
risk! Take your heart medication and hire a translator....please!
We are depending on you to be around for many more years.

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