Unresolved symbols in /tmp/lib/modules/2.4.22/kernel/....

From: Nicolas Turro
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 04:33:28 EST

Hi, during kernel compilation, i get loads of
unresolv sympols during this step :

if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map -b /tmp -r 2.4.22;

kmalloc, kfree and tons of other essencial stuff seem to be missing.

> grep kfree System.map
c01288b4 T kfree
c019cb90 t ino_lnkfree
c026b448 T sock_kfree_s
c026c0d0 T kfree_skbmem
c026c124 T __kfree_skb
c0317abe R __kstrtab_kfree
c031c93e R __kstrtab_sock_kfree_s
c031d0b0 R __kstrtab___kfree_skb
c031f930 R __ksymtab_kfree
c0321ed8 R __ksymtab_sock_kfree_s
c0322290 R __ksymtab___kfree_skb

nm -V
GNU nm 20020802
depmod -V
depmod version 2.4.12

Any ideas ?

N. Turro
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