/dev/vcs: stuck with dimensions <255?

From: Mario Lang
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 04:07:47 EST


I just realized, that /dev/vcsa behaviour is broken when
used with lines or columns more than 255. I can easily
get this behaviour by using the built-in 4x6 font on a
1024xsomething resolution. That results in 256 columns. However,
the vcs devices expose dimensions and cursor position in the first
4 bytes.

My question is now: Are we stuck with this now? I found that
it is at least possible to use TIOCGWINSZ on the corresponding
/dev/tty%d device to get correct dimensions, but then again, how
would I optain the cursor position?

I am wondering why a char was choosen at all. I see no gain
by "saving" space there...

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