Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] DRM and pci_driver conversion

From: Kronos
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 14:05:20 EST

Il Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 07:31:56PM -0700, Eric Anholt ha scritto:
> I recently committed a change to the DRM for Linux in DRI CVS that
> converted it to use pci_driver and that probe system. Unfortunately,
> we've found that there is a conflict between the DRM now and at least
> the radeon framebuffer. Both want to attach to the same device, and
> with pci_driver, the second one to come along doesn't get probe called
> for that device. Is there any way to mark things shared, or in some
> other way get the DRM to attach to a device that's already attached to,
> in the new model?

AFAIK no, pci_dev only stores one pointer to the driver. Two drivers
fiddling with the same hw can be dangerous. What will happen if radeonfb
starts using hw accel, touching registers without DRM knowing it? What
is (IMHO) needed is a common layer that works with hardware and exposes
an interface to both radeonfb and DRM. I think that Jon Smirl is working
on something like this.

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