Re: Fixes for nforce2 hard lockup, apic, io-apic, udma133 covered

From: Jesse Allen
Date: Thu Dec 11 2003 - 09:59:24 EST

My mptable output looks pretty weird. (Product ID "ny Key "?)
It doesn't even compare to the other two. I have a shuttle AN35N.


MPTable, version 2.0.15 Linux


MP Floating Pointer Structure:

location: BIOS
physical address: 0x000f5650
signature: '_MP_'
length: 16 bytes
version: 1.1
checksum: 0x00
mode: Virtual Wire


MP Config Table Header:

physical address: 0x0xf0c00
signature: 'N '
base table length: 8224
version: 1.32
checksum: 0x20
OEM ID: ' : '
Product ID: 'ny Key '
OEM table pointer: 0x2031462d
OEM table size: 17152
entry count: 29300
local APIC address: 0x32462d6c
extended table length: 32
extended table checksum: 67


MP Config Base Table Entries:

MPTABLE HOSED! record type = 114
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