Prevailence of PS/2 Active Muxed devices?

From: J.C. Wren
Date: Tue Dec 23 2003 - 13:27:09 EST

I have an application where I'd like to specifically control which PS/2 aux
device data is sent/received from/to. Particularly, on a laptop that has an
integrated touch pad, I'd like to select the external mouse port.

This document
describes what appears to be a rather well thought method for multiple aux
devices on a single KBC.

Looking through the kernel sources, I see no handling for this. From a big
picture perspective, how does Linux handle a system with an integrated mouse
pad, and an external PS/2 mouse port? Is this whole Synaptics idea dead, or
is support for this planned, or even considered? Does any one have any
knowledge the number of KBCs with this muxing?

Seeing some of the parties that partcipated in the standards, it would be a
touch surprising if it just completely died.


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