module-init-tools/udev and module auto-loading

From: Martin Schlemmer
Date: Sun Feb 01 2004 - 17:33:58 EST


A quick question on module-init-tools/udev and module auto-loading ...
lets say I have a module called 'foo', that I want the kernel to

If I now have in modprobe.conf:

alias char-major-<foo_major>-* foo
alias /dev/foo foo

and /dev/foo exists, it works just fine. If I delete /dev/foo
however, it does not. Say the module _do_ support sysfs (meaning
udev will create /dev/foo on loading, this do not really affect
things, as without /dev/foo it do not work anyhow.

This a known issue (sure I know I can add it to local initscript to
load, but this is not always the preferred 'fix')? Any ideas on
how to 'fix' this?

Then a distant related issue - anybody thought about dynamic major
numbers of 2.7/2.8 (?) and the 'alias char-major-<whatever>-* whatever'
type modprobe rules (as the whole fact of them being dynamic, will make
that alias type worthless ...)?


Martin Schlemmer

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