[PATCH] bitmap double fault, gdt

From: Hugh Dickins
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 15:49:34 EST

With 2.6.2-rc1-mm3 I started getting occasional double faults when idle.
Seemed to be irqbalance (with NR_CPUS 2) using new bitmap_parse calling
bitmap_shift_right: collapse when it reloads %esp with 0 before return.

Google tells me that there were compiler code generation problems
around here before, but I didn't track down quite what: are we sure
they've been eliminated? Disassembly of bitmap_shift_right attached,
that's with an RH 3.2.3-20 gcc, but I see similar code from more recent
SuSE 3.3.2 gcc: sub $0x4,%esp ... sub %eax,%esp ... lea 0x1b(%esp,1),%esi

it looks like that makes no difference, that this alloca kind of code
uses frame pointer anyway. I've tried but failed to produce similar
disassembly compiling outside the kernel, despite using kernel cflags.

If you think there is still a code generation problem here with popular
versions of gcc, perhaps we should stop that variable stack declaration?


--- 2.6.2-rc2-mm2/lib/bitmap.c 2004-01-25 18:04:19.000000000 +0000
+++ linux/lib/bitmap.c 2004-01-30 20:44:44.000000000 +0000
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include <asm/bitops.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>

+#define MAX_BITMAP_BITS 512U /* for ia64 NR_CPUS maximum */
int bitmap_empty(const unsigned long *bitmap, int bits)
int k, lim = bits/BITS_PER_LONG;
@@ -73,8 +75,9 @@
const unsigned long *src, int shift, int bits)
int k;
- DECLARE_BITMAP(__shr_tmp, bits);

bitmap_clear(__shr_tmp, bits);
for (k = 0; k < bits - shift; ++k)
if (test_bit(k + shift, src))
@@ -87,8 +90,9 @@
const unsigned long *src, int shift, int bits)
int k;
- DECLARE_BITMAP(__shl_tmp, bits);

bitmap_clear(__shl_tmp, bits);
for (k = bits; k >= shift; --k)
if (test_bit(k - shift, src))
00000180 <bitmap_shift_right>:
180: 55 push %ebp
181: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
183: 57 push %edi
184: 56 push %esi
185: 53 push %ebx
186: 83 ec 04 sub $0x4,%esp
189: 8b 5d 14 mov 0x14(%ebp),%ebx
18c: 89 65 f0 mov %esp,0xfffffff0(%ebp)
18f: 89 da mov %ebx,%edx
191: 83 c2 1f add $0x1f,%edx
194: 8d 43 3e lea 0x3e(%ebx),%eax
197: 0f 48 d0 cmovs %eax,%edx
19a: c1 fa 05 sar $0x5,%edx
19d: c1 e2 02 shl $0x2,%edx
1a0: 8d 42 10 lea 0x10(%edx),%eax
1a3: 29 c4 sub %eax,%esp
1a5: 8d 74 24 1b lea 0x1b(%esp,1),%esi
1a9: 83 e6 f0 and $0xfffffff0,%esi
1ac: 89 d1 mov %edx,%ecx
1ae: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
1b0: c1 e9 02 shr $0x2,%ecx
1b3: 89 f7 mov %esi,%edi
1b5: f3 ab repz stos %eax,%es:(%edi)
1b7: f6 c2 02 test $0x2,%dl
1ba: 74 02 je 1be <bitmap_shift_right+0x3e>
1bc: 66 ab stos %ax,%es:(%edi)
1be: f6 c2 01 test $0x1,%dl
1c1: 74 01 je 1c4 <bitmap_shift_right+0x44>
1c3: aa stos %al,%es:(%edi)
1c4: 8b 7d 10 mov 0x10(%ebp),%edi
1c7: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
1c9: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
1cb: 29 f8 sub %edi,%eax
1cd: 39 c2 cmp %eax,%edx
1cf: 7d 2a jge 1fb <bitmap_shift_right+0x7b>
1d1: 89 c1 mov %eax,%ecx
1d3: 8d b6 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%esi),%esi
1d9: 8d bc 27 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%edi,1),%edi
1e0: 8b 7d 10 mov 0x10(%ebp),%edi
1e3: 8d 04 17 lea (%edi,%edx,1),%eax
1e6: 8b 7d 0c mov 0xc(%ebp),%edi
1e9: 0f a3 07 bt %eax,(%edi)
1ec: 19 c0 sbb %eax,%eax
1ee: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
1f0: 74 04 je 1f6 <bitmap_shift_right+0x76>
1f2: f0 0f ab 16 lock bts %edx,(%esi)
1f6: 42 inc %edx
1f7: 39 ca cmp %ecx,%edx
1f9: 7c e5 jl 1e0 <bitmap_shift_right+0x60>
1fb: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
1fd: 8d 53 3e lea 0x3e(%ebx),%edx
200: 83 c0 1f add $0x1f,%eax
203: 0f 48 c2 cmovs %edx,%eax
206: c1 f8 05 sar $0x5,%eax
209: c1 e0 02 shl $0x2,%eax
20c: 89 c1 mov %eax,%ecx
20e: c1 e9 02 shr $0x2,%ecx
211: 8b 7d 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%edi
214: f3 a5 repz movsl %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
216: a8 02 test $0x2,%al
218: 74 02 je 21c <bitmap_shift_right+0x9c>
21a: 66 a5 movsw %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
21c: a8 01 test $0x1,%al
21e: 74 01 je 221 <bitmap_shift_right+0xa1>
220: a4 movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
221: 8b 65 f0 mov 0xfffffff0(%ebp),%esp
224: 8d 65 f4 lea 0xfffffff4(%ebp),%esp
227: 5b pop %ebx
228: 5e pop %esi
229: 5f pop %edi
22a: 5d pop %ebp
22b: c3 ret