Re: PATCH - ext2fs privacy (i.e. secure deletion) patch

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 19:44:40 EST


> >Perhaps this should still be controlled by (chattr(1)) [its already
> >documented, just not yet implemented].
> >
> > When a file with the `s' attribute set is deleted, its blocks
> > are zeroed and written back to the disk.
> >
> > which point config option is not really neccessary.
> >
> You're not the first person to mention this to me, Pádraig, brought this
> up on the day I posted. I certainly thing the 's' options should be
> implemented, however for a privacy patch I believe that the user
> shouldn't have to intervene to ensure a file is securely erased. It
> makes more sense to me, as a lazy person, that the file system should be
> set to always remove the file content... that way the user doesn't need
> to get involved.
> All that said, the user's content is something that the user could be
> considered responsible for erasing themselves. The meta-data is the part
> of the file which they dont' have access to, so having privacy
> capabilities for meta-data erasure is a requirement. User data
> erasure... I can take it or leave it. I think it should be automatic if
> at all, but I'm not really that bothered about it.

Well, doing it on-demand means one less config option, and possibility
to include it into 2.7... It should be easy to have tiny patch forcing
that option always own for your use...
When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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